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San Francisco Bed Sore Injuries

San Francisco Bed Sore InjuriesBedsores or pressure sores in nursing homes and other care facilities are preventable and should never occur. Moreover, when left untreated, bedsores can lead to serious infection or death. Families whose loved ones are suffering the consequences of bedsores should learn whether they are eligible to take legal action against the care facility, nursing home or rehab center where bedsores occurred. If you or a loved one has developed bed sore injuries in San Francisco due to the negligence of a caretaker, nursing home, or hospital, contact a nursing home abuse attorney for help.

A compassionate attorney could help clients who have experienced bedsores in a nursing home setting. We work with them and their families to learn how the bedsores occurred and how the facility failed to adhere to the accepted standards of care. We consult with medical experts and elder care specialists to understand how the bedsores (also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers) affected our clients’ lives and those of their families.

Bed Sores / Pressure Sores

Pressure ulcers are essentially a breakdown of the skin and underlying tissue caused by unrelieved pressure. They develop when nurses and others allow patients to lie or sit in the same position without padding, proper support for joints and frequent repositioning. The underlying cause is neglect of patients, usually because nursing home owners fail to provide adequate staffing or training in an effort to protect their profit margins.

These sores and consequent infections usually occur on the buttocks, back, spine, heels, elbows and other areas of the body that are in constant contact with the bed or chair. Failure to take action when a bedsore occurs means that staff is not reporting the skin ulceration when they see it, or even if they report it, the facility takes no corrective action. It can also mean that the patient is not being bathed or assisted and that the skin problems are never even observed. In all cases, the facility can be held liable for this failure to provide adequate care.

File a Claim in San Francisco for Bed Sore Injuries

Our San Francisco lawyers handle all types of cases arising from bedsores caused by neglect in a care facility, including wrongful death cases resulting from untreated bedsores. We seek to hold the facility owners and operators responsible so that they will change their neglectful treatment of the patients in their care. We also seek full and fair compensation for victims of nursing home neglect, including the families of those who died as a result of untreated pressure ulcers.

To learn how our bed sore attorneys in San Francisco can help you and your family improve the level of care a facility provides and hold it accountable for its mistreatment of patients, call to schedule a consultation.

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