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Getting Help From a Lyft Accident Attorney in San Francisco

If you have suffered an injury after a Lyft crash in San Francisco, you have every right to explore your options for compensation. Indeed, you may have no other choice but to do so. After all, a typical car accident may leave plaintiffs with serious – and potentially permanent – injuries. Medical expenses may be both high and ongoing, and plaintiffs may not have the funds to cover even the most basic treatment following their accidents. Whether the injury takes the plaintiff out of work for weeks or for the rest of their life, missed wages also represent a serious concern. Finally, accidents can leave individuals with lasting mental health issues. How can a Lyft accident attorney help you strive for positive results?

 What Can a Lyft Accident Attorney in San Francisco Do for Me?

Lyft Accident Attorney in San FranciscoIf you are recovering from an injury after a Lyft accident, you might be wondering why you even need an attorney. The truth of the matter is that you do not. There is no legal requirement to enlist the help of an injury attorney, and you could theoretically file your lawsuit against Lyft without their assistance.

That being said, the vast majority of plaintiffs seek help from attorneys. Filing a lawsuit can be somewhat complex, and you might not have time to deal with the paperwork and administrative work associated with this process. Furthermore, personal injury attorneys are licensed to help plaintiffs, and they use years of experience to guide their clients toward positive results.

Hiring an attorney in San Francisco might be a particularly smart call after a Lyft accident. Why? Because Lyft is headquartered in San Francisco – which means you may have to file your lawsuit within the jurisdiction of San Francisco County. This is true with virtually all Lyft accidents across the entire nation. A San Francisco injury attorney is familiar with the local laws and regulations that pertain to injury lawsuits, and they are well-positioned to assist with Lyft lawsuits.

These attorneys can help you with a number of steps as you pursue compensation:

  • Offering guidance during consultations
  • Helping you gather evidence
  • Negotiating on your behalf for a settlement with Lyft
  • Representing you in a personal injury trial if necessary

It is also worth mentioning that virtually all Lyft accident attorneys in San Francisco offer to work on contingency, which means that you only pay them after you win your lawsuit. If you do not win your lawsuit, you do not pay under this system of contingency fees. 

Is it Difficult to Get Compensation After a San Francisco Lyft Accident? 

Each case is slightly different, and the difficulty in pursuing compensation depends entirely on your unique circumstances. A personal injury attorney will likely tell you if they believe your lawsuit is worth pursuing during your first consultation. If they believe that there is little chance of achieving compensation, they probably will not take your case.

With all that said, the average plaintiff has a decent chance of receiving compensation for a typical Lyft accident. Plaintiffs can receive compensation via Lyft’s insurance policy, which provides reliable compensation for injured victims after accidents involving their vehicles.

One potential challenge is showing that this insurance policy should apply to the situation at hand. A common strategy for rideshare companies is to shift the blame onto the driver and deny any involvement in the crash. The company may attempt to claim that the driver was not engaged in work-related duties at the time of the crash, so their insurance policy should not apply.

A personal injury attorney in San Francisco can show that this policy should in fact apply. They may establish that the driver was clearly carrying a passenger at the time. Alternatively, your lawyer may show that the Lyft driver was on their way to pick up a passenger. Both of these activities are clearly work-related, and they should result in the application of Lyft’s insurance policy.

 Can I Get Compensation for Pain and Suffering after a Lyft Accident in San Francisco?

It is possible to receive compensation for pain & suffering after a Lyft accident in San Francisco. California is an “at-fault” state when it comes to car accidents, which means that plaintiffs may receive compensation for non-economic damages after crashes. This is unlike the “no-fault” system followed by many other states, which does not allow compensation for non-economic damages.

Pain and suffering is just one example of non-economic damages, and there are many others:

  • PTSD
  • Emotional distress
  • Depression
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of purpose of life
  • Humiliation
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of consortium 

Who Can Sue Lyft for Injuries After an Accident in San Francisco?

 A wide range of individuals may sue for injuries after Lyft accidents in San Francisco: 

  • Pedestrians: Pedestrians may be struck by Lyft vehicles, and these individuals may suffer serious injuries as a result. Sometimes, Lyft vehicles cause pedestrian injuries without actually striking individuals directly. For example, a Lyft driver could swerve in a reckless fashion – causing another vehicle to veer away and strike a pedestrian.
  • Passengers: Lyft passengers may suffer a wide range of different injuries while traveling in these rideshare vehicles. The most obvious example is when a Lyft driver crashes with pedestrians occupying their vehicle. Another potential example involves a Lyft driver dropping a pedestrian in an unsafe location – such as the middle of a highway. Even picking up a pedestrian too far from the curb can cause slip-and-fall injuries.
  • Motorists: Other motorists may suffer serious injuries due to negligent Lyft drivers. These drivers often commit various traffic infractions, such as speeding or illegal turns. They might do this in an attempt to earn more by completing more trips per day.
  • Cyclists: Cyclists also face serious dangers from Lyft vehicles. An especially common injury involves Lyft drivers and passengers suddenly opening doors while parked – causing passing cyclists to be ejected and thrown onto the pavement. 

Lyft Accidents Can Be Fatal in San Francisco

Some Lyft accidents may prove fatal for affected motorists – including motorcyclists. Family members may have the opportunity to file wrongful death lawsuits against Lyft. This may provide compensation for emotional distress, funeral expenses, unpaid medical expenses, and other damages.

 Where Can I Find an Experienced Lyft Accident Attorney in San Francisco?

If you have been searching for an experienced Lyft accident attorney in San Francisco, look no further than Mary Alexander & Associates. Book your consultation today to discuss the most appropriate course of action.

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