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Types of Heavy Trucks and Their Dangers

Types of Heavy Trucks and Their Dangers

There are many types of heavy trucks that are used on a daily basis in California. Each truck has its own unique purpose, and each has its own unique hazards. If you have been struck and injured by one of these heavy vehicles, you might think that the exact specification of this vehicle does not really matter. In many ways, this is correct, as you deserve compensation regardless of whether you were injured by a box truck, a semi-truck, or a dump truck. That being said, the exact type of truck may affect your legal strategy as you seek compensation. Unique hazards associated with each truck type involve different types of negligence, and you will need key details of this negligence for the best chances of success.

So, what are the different types of heavy trucks in California, and what kind of danger does each one pose? Let’s find out.

Dump Trucks

 Dump trucks are common sights in California, and their purpose is simple: Transporting loads to processing facilities. The issue with dump trucks is that they typically carry open-topped containers. These containers often sit at construction sites, being filled with all kinds of trash before being loaded onto the truck. The first problem is that this trash is thrown into the container in a haphazard manner, causing potential unbalanced loads. This means that the weight of the load may be tilted heavily to one side, causing instability – especially around corners. Rollovers are a real possibility as a result.

Another major issue is that the load is not well secured. This means that huge chunks of metal and wood can come flying off the back of a dump truck – often while it is traveling at full speed on the highway. These chunks of trash can damage following cars and injure motorists. Often, motorists have no time to react when an object falls off a dump truck, and the object may go straight through their windshields.

 Garbage Trucks

 Garbage trucks are also very common across California, and they may be operated by private companies or local governments. There are a number of safety issues with these vehicles. First of all, they have a tendency to stop and start suddenly with little warning. This gives following cars little time to react, and it may result in “underride accidents.” These accidents cause smaller passenger vehicles to slide underneath the back of the truck upon impact, potentially shearing away roofs and decapitating motorists.

Another major issue is the fact that these trucks travel in residential areas. These roads are often very narrow, and they may be filled with slow-moving vehicles, pedestrians, and playing children. These large vehicles may struggle to navigate such narrow roads, and their obvious blind spots may increase the chances of accidents.

 Logging Trucks

 California has an active logging industry that generates hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Lumber is almost always transported by truck, and these trucks are often specialized units. Logging trucks must carry their cargo in a specific manner, as logs are cumbersome and difficult to stack.

It is also difficult to determine the weight of each log simply by judging its size, as wood density is unpredictable. This can increase the chances of unbalanced loads. Even if logs are stacked perfectly, the imperfect nature of these natural products can make it difficult to achieve total balance. As a result, instability may occur when turning at high speeds – increasing the chances of rollover accidents.

 Tanker Trucks

 Tanker trucks pose obvious risks. These vehicles are specifically designed to carry flammable liquids like propane or gasoline. With so much flammable fuel on the road, crashes can be catastrophic. Although the storage solution for these vehicles limits the chances of gas leaks and ignitions, it is not a totally foolproof system. In addition, semi-trucks carry large fuel tanks that can cause serious explosions when detonated. This explosion can cause a secondary ignition in the storage tank, causing an even bigger explosion. These blasts can injure and kill motorists in a wide radius.

 Bobtail Trucks

 Bobtail trucks do not carry trailers. Many people wrongly assume that these trucks are inherently safer than trucks carrying trailers. The logic is that they are smaller, more maneuverable, and lighter. The truth is that they are actually more dangerous. This is because semi-trucks are specifically designed to be used with attached trailers. Take away the trailer, and the bobtail truck loses crucial wheels for balance and braking power. Bobtail trucks have a serious risk of rolling over when turning.

 Delivery Trucks

 From a purely physical standpoint, there is nothing particularly dangerous about a delivery truck. However, the drivers of these vehicles may feel extremely pressured to meet deadlines and deliver their cargo as quickly as possible. As a result, these drivers may be more likely to drive recklessly, break speed limits, and violate a range of other traffic laws in the name of expediency. Note that one of the most common types of delivery trucks is a USPS truck, which is owned and operated by the US government.

Where Can I Find a Qualified Truck Accident Lawyer in California?

 Regardless of what type of truck caused your injuries, your best bet is to get help from a qualified truck accident lawyer in California. Choose Mary Alexander & Associates, and you can proceed with your lawsuit in a confident, efficient manner. During your first consultation, we will carefully assess your unique situation and determine the best course of legal action. With our assistance, you can hold negligent trucking companies accountable and prove their guilt. This can help you receive compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, and any other damages you were forced to endure.

It is best to get in touch with us as soon as possible, as the statute of limitations may prevent you from receiving compensation if you wait too long. Remember, internet research can only get you so far – and only a qualified lawyer can provide you with real results. Book your consultation today.

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