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Category Archives: Pedestrian Accidents

Driver Escapes Jail for Fatal Bike Accident in San Francisco

Driver Escapes Jail for Fatal Bike Accident in San Francisco

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

One of the most notable cyclist fatalities of 2023 was the death of Ethan Boyes. This cycling champion lost his life this past spring when he was struck by a senior driver. Now, the driver who caused his death is set to walk free with virtually zero consequences. This story is unfolding even as… Read More »

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Driver Finally Charged With Manslaughter After West Portal Bus Stop Crash

Driver Finally Charged With Manslaughter After West Portal Bus Stop Crash

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

The community of San Francisco is still reeling after the West Portal bus crash, but the criminal justice system finally seems to be taking action. The accident killed an entire family in a shocking display of reckless driving, and it has been called one of the worst pedestrian crashes in San Francisco history. If… Read More »

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Oakland Pedestrian Injury Leads to Six-Figure Settlement

Oakland Pedestrian Injury Leads to Six-Figure Settlement

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

A pedestrian accident in the Bay Area can change your life forever, causing catastrophic injuries and lifelong disabilities. It might be impossible to earn a living after an incident like this, and you might struggle with psychological trauma for years. Fortunately, there is hope for injured pedestrians in the Bay Area; this was made… Read More »

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GM Pays $8 Million to San Francisco Pedestrian Dragged by Self-Driving Car

GM Pays $8 Million to San Francisco Pedestrian Dragged by Self-Driving Car

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

After a ride-sharing accident in San Francisco, it is often challenging to determine who is to blame. Do you sue the driver of the ridesharing vehicle or the tech company that operates the service? In the case of a self-driving vehicle, however, the at-fault party is clear. With the human driver taken out of… Read More »

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Bay Area Residents Face a Range of Unpredictable Traffic Threats

Bay Area Residents Face a Range of Unpredictable Traffic Threats

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Residents of the Bay Area are certainly familiar with a range of traffic-related threats, whether they are driving, walking their dogs, or biking. A slew of recent incidents across the area has shown that these threats are often completely unexpected. While one vehicle was crushed by the somewhat predictable hazard of a rolling box… Read More »

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San Francisco and Los Angeles Continue to Struggle With Bike Safety Issues

San Francisco and Los Angeles Continue to Struggle With Bike Safety Issues

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Many people have pointed out that despite California’s apparent commitment to a “zero-emission” future, the State is surprisingly unaccommodating to cyclists. One would assume that if city planners in California were truly concerned about lowering carbon emissions, they would make urban areas as safe as possible for cyclists. As it stands, however, the number… Read More »

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Hit-and Runs are Becoming All Too Common in the Bay Area

Hit-and Runs are Becoming All Too Common in the Bay Area

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Fatal hit-and-runs in the Bay Area rob families of their loved ones – and their ability to pursue justice. For many families, their inability to put a face to the crime makes these fatal accidents more difficult to process. A hit-and-run leaves families with unanswered questions, unpaid medical bills, and a total lack of… Read More »

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Can a Car Accident Cause You to Lose Your Memory?

Can a Car Accident Cause You to Lose Your Memory?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Car accidents can lead to many consequences – both physical and mental. The psychological trauma of these incidents can stay with victims for the rest of their lives, causing crippling disorders like depression and PTSD. But what happens if the victim cannot remember the event itself? What happens when victims suffer memory loss due… Read More »

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Cyclists are Suffering Head Injuries in Intentional “Dooring” Attacks

Cyclists are Suffering Head Injuries in Intentional “Dooring” Attacks

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

It is no secret that cyclists and motorists do not always see eye to eye. These two groups are forced to share the road despite the fact that they use completely different vehicles. Cyclists are obviously much slower, but they are also capable of weaving between tighter gaps and accessing areas cars cannot. On… Read More »

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I Suffered a Head Injury After a Slip and Fall on an Icy Los Angeles Sidewalk. What Now?

I Suffered a Head Injury After a Slip and Fall on an Icy Los Angeles Sidewalk. What Now?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

It is difficult to picture Los Angeles (and many other California cities) as anything but hot and sunny. But as residents are quickly discovering, these cities do get snow from time to time. And when a city that is completely unprepared for winter weather suddenly gets an unprecedented amount of snow, all kinds of… Read More »

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