Category Archives: Spinal Cord Injuries

Suing for a Head Injury Caused by an Airbag in California
Airbags are designed to save lives – but sometimes they cause an incredible amount of damage to victims in the process. Your airbag may have saved your life – but it might have also left you with a serious, life-altering head injury. You should not have to choose between surviving a car crash and… Read More »

Cyclists are Suffering Head Injuries in Intentional “Dooring” Attacks
It is no secret that cyclists and motorists do not always see eye to eye. These two groups are forced to share the road despite the fact that they use completely different vehicles. Cyclists are obviously much slower, but they are also capable of weaving between tighter gaps and accessing areas cars cannot. On… Read More »
New California Booster Seat Law Increases Safety, Saves Lives
Do you think that once your children are old enough to attend the second grade, their booster seat days are over? If you live in California, you might need to think again. Among the new laws signed into law for 2012 by Gov. Jerry Brown is a new law intending to make riding in… Read More »
Recovering compensation for brain and spinal cord injuries
When California residents sustain traumatic injuries to their spinal cords or brains, the effects are often permanent and life-changing. Both of these types of serious injuries can cause paralysis, loss of mobility and many other conditions that make it difficult for victims to function as they used to. At our firm, we help people… Read More »
The effects of spinal cord injury on the gastrointestinal tract
Spinal cord injuries can be the result of slips and falls, birth defects or car accidents. California residents may benefit form learning more about the long-term complications that acute or chronic injuries to the spinal cord could have. One of these complications is gastrointestinal tract dysfunction. After a chronic spinal cord injury, the flexibility… Read More »
Understanding spinal cord injuries
California residents may benefit from reviewing some of the information available on the Spinal Cord Injury Fact Sheet produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Spinal cord injuries may be caused by suffering damage to the neck, upper and middle back, or lower back. Because the spinal cord is responsible for transmitting… Read More »
California woman sues after being injured in car crash
On July 10 around 7:50 a.m., a 37-year-old woman driving to a nursing class on Highway 17 in Santa Cruz was injured in a crash caused by a truck driver who failed to brake in time and jackknifed on the busy road. On July 17, she filed a lawsuit in Santa Clara County Superior… Read More »
Why wearing a seat belt is so important in an accident
Even though California is ranked one of the highest in the nation for wearing seat belts, there is still that small percentage of drivers who don’t. Accident victims are brought in to emergency rooms every year with serious or even fatal injuries, simply because they were not wearing their seat belt. But it might… Read More »
Number of spinal cord injuries suffered in falls raises concern
As we age, it becomes harder to fight illness and injury. Our bones become more brittle, making a broken leg or a broken hip not only much more likely but also more difficult to repair. This isn’t exactly groundbreaking news for San Francisco residents, but it does make the results of a recent study… Read More »