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I highly recommend this law firm

By Maggie J.

I was involved in a terrible balcony accident which resulted in Paralysis. I became a Paraplegic paralyzed from mid chest down. I had an 8 month stay in the hospital and will never walk again. While in the hospital, I knew I needed an attorney. I did not have the capacity to do much research, so I called a friend who is an attorney. He referred me to Mary Alexander Law and Associates. I learned I had the right attorney. Mary Alexander has the respect of her colleagues, strong experience, and the team to handle very complex cases. I also knew that they cared about me, and helped me and my family get through this tragedy. Nothing can replace my legs, and the complications I have to live with. However, the financial compensation is making my life better and will help me pay for the high cost of living as a Paraplegic. I highly recommend this law firm and will always be grateful for the work and results the team produced!

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