Author Archives: maryalexander
What are my Options as a Passenger Injured in a Car Accident?
If you are a passenger injured in a car accident, you also have rights. In fact, you may be in a position to receive more compensation than any of the drivers. If for instance, both drivers are partly at fault, the compensation awarded may be limited. If you have suffered injuries as a passenger,… Read More »
Premises Liability in San Francisco
You may have heard of the phrase premises liability, but you might not know what it means. Premises liability means that a property owner has to keep their property safe for the people who enter it. In San Francisco, the amount of care that a property owner must take depends on whether the property… Read More »
Bike Accidents in San Francisco
The number of bicycle trips made in San Francisco per day is estimated to be more than 82,000. Despite its reputation as a bike-friendly city, there are still many bike accidents in San Francisco. Careless motorists can easily cause serious injuries when they collide with bicyclists. If you have been in an accident caused… Read More »
Is There an Increase in Motorcycle Accidents in the Summertime?
As a motorcycle rider, you probably want to avoid an accident if at all possible. If you are thinking about hitting the road a lot this summer on your bike, you could be concerned about the potential for motorcycle accidents. Yes, it is true that they happen, but there are ways to protect yourself…. Read More »
Top 5 Summertime Injuries
Summer can be a lot of fun. Swimming, traveling, cookouts and concerts are just a few of the things that we look forward to during the warm and welcome summer months. Unfortunately, summer can come with a few common summertime injuries. Here are the top five ways that people get hurt during the summer:… Read More »
Ghost Ship Oakland Warehouse Fire complaint Filed in Alameda County Superior Court
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Safety Tips for Summer Road Trips
Summertime is a great time to step outside of your safety and comfort zone and find ways to explore the world at large. While trips, both abroad and internationally can be incredibly rewarding and life changing, they can also be dangerous if you don’t follow proper safety protocol. When traveling during summer road trips,… Read More »
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Distracted driving is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Many people are often unaware that they are even habitual distracted drivers. Something so little as checking on your child in the backseat or turning the radio station, for two seconds your eyes are not focused on that road ahead of… Read More »
Ford Recall for Engine Fire Risk and Door Latch Failures
On March 29, 2017, Ford announced a recall of 570,000 vehicles due to problems related to potential fires in the engines, and door latches that will not stay shut. Both of these problems create safety concerns, and any personal injuries or property damages caused provide the possibility of lawsuits against Ford Motor. The fact… Read More »
California Wrongful Death Attorneys
A wrongful death occurs when a person is killed as a result of an accident caused by another person’s negligence. Survivors of the victim can file a wrongful death claim and seek compensation for losses as a result of losing their loved one. A wrongful death claim can occur as a result of several… Read More »