Is BART Responsible for the Death of a Young Woman?

Members of the Bay Area community were rocked on July 22nd when they heard shocking news. An 18-year-old teenager had been killed in a vicious attack on a BART train platform. Now, the girl’s parents and community want the transportation agency to take responsibility for the heinous crime that should have never happened.
How Could BART Be Responsible for a Teenager’s Death?
Two sisters were returning home from a swim party when they saw a woman struggling with a stroller at MacArthur Station. The two approached and began helping the stranger when they were suddenly attacked. A 27-year-old man lashed out with a knife, stabbing both sisters before running away. Those injuries sent the elder sister to the hospital, where she is now recovering. However, the younger sister did not survive her injuries.
After identifying the attacker, authorities were able to track him down and arrest him. However, his history has many people wondering why he was on the transit platform in the first place. With a history of fare jumping, the attacker was allegedly well known by BART authorities. Not only had he been arrested on BART platforms before, he also had a record of assault and burglary.
This lapse in security has only served to highlight BART’s negligent security efforts. Just days before this incident, three other people lost their lives in assaults perpetrated on BART trains and platforms. Considering that passenger safety is a key responsibility of the transportation agency, many don’t think it is doing enough. Now, this teenager’s family wants something done about this problem. The family of the 18-year-old who lost her life is filing a lawsuit against BART, alleging negligent security.
When it comes to keeping people safe, property owners have a duty to those who are allowed onto their property. If they neglect that duty by not hiring enough security guards, not using locks or security cameras, or even by not providing adequate light, then property owners can be held liable for injuries or deaths.
To learn more about negligent security, keep following the Bay Area personal injury attorneys at Mary Alexander & Associates. We have experience helping victims and their families set a new course for their lives.