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Researchers say even mild concussions leave brain scars

People in San Francisco who have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries may still have long-lasting brain damage, according to a study published in December 2015. Researchers from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center found evidence of scarring on the brains of soldiers who had previously been diagnosed with mild concussions.

The study was conducted by looking at more than 800 brain scans from soldiers with mild traumatic brain injuries. Over half of the brain scans that were analyzed had abnormalities in the white matter, or the brain component that transmits signals from one part to another. It was previously thought that mild brain injuries would not be detectable in scans, but the study has disproved this theory.

Researchers who conducted the study used an advanced type of MRI to detect brain abnormalities. The lead researcher said that the scans showed that little scars had formed where the body was trying to repair some mild brain damage. Since 2000, over 300,000 U.S. military service members have received a traumatic brain injury diagnosis. Concussions are often diagnosed with cognitive assessments as normal MRI and CT scans cannot detect signs of mild brain damage.

Many people sustain brain damage from a physical force to the head during a car accident or a sudden fall. A traumatic brain injury can have a significant impact on an individual’s life, including decreased cognitive and physical functioning. An attorney can often assist a person who has suffered from a brain injury that was caused by the negligence of another party in seeking compensation through a personal injury lawsuit for the damages that have been incurred.

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