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Small bumps and brain injuries in California

Although researchers have known that large hits to the head can cause long-term trauma, they are starting to realize that smaller hits can have lasting effects as well. Typically, mild brain injuries are caused by the inertia of the moving brain inside of the skull. They tend to cause dizziness and headache but don’t lead to a concussion. A study was conducted to determine how fast the brain would have to move to cause an injury.

It was determined that the brain oscillates at five hertz when a person turns his or her head normally. Injuries can be sustained when the brain starts to oscillate inside of the skull at 15 hertz or higher. When a player plays a contact sport such as football, their brains could be oscillating at 20 hertz each time they get hit. Over the course of a game, those little hits could add up to significant brain deterioration.

Researchers were able to determine that the injury risk was roughly the same whether or not a player was wearing a helmet. This means that research into future helmets for football players and other athletes should focus on how to stop the brain from moving after contact. Each year, there are 1.7 million cases of head trauma are diagnosed in the United States. In 80 percent of those cases, the injury is considered to be mild.

Those who suffer brain injuries caused by the negligent or intentional acts of another may wish to consult with a personal injury attorney to see if there is any recourse to obtain compensation for medical bills and other expenses. They may also want to discuss the advisability of pursuing legal action if an initial misdiagnosis by a health care practitioner led to a worsened medical condition.

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