Can I Sue After an Accident With an Amazon Van?

It is no secret that Amazon drivers are under immense pressure to deliver their parcels as quickly as possible. The online marketplace has become famous for “same-day delivery” and other fast shipping methods that are only possible if delivery drivers rush. Unfortunately, this questionable business model and high-pressure situation puts the entire community at risk. There have been several chilling accidents throughout California involving Amazon delivery vans, and some of these accidents have resulted in fatalities. But what can you do after being injured by an Amazon delivery van (or any other type of delivery van, for that matter)? Can you sue this tech giant and receive fair compensation for everything you have been forced to endure?
Amazon Van Crash Leads to One Fatality
On August 21, 2022, it was reported that an Amazon crash near Cypress resulted in one fatality and two hospitalizations. The exact circumstances of the crash were never revealed, but images from the scene show the Amazon van facing the wrong way in the traffic lane. This suggests that negligence could be a factor, although the van might have been pushed into that position after the crash. Either way, this is just another example of an Amazon van crash in California. As you will see, these crashes are anything but rare in the Golden State.
Woman Receives $5 Million After Being Hit by Amazon Delivery Van
On June 14th of 2022, it was reported that a woman was awarded $5 million by a jury in California after being run over by an Amazon van in a parking lot. The crash left her with severe injuries to her left leg, and the tech company eventually admitted liability. Although $5 million might seem like a lot of money, it is significantly less than the plaintiff’s lawyers were seeking for the 2018 crash, as they initially pushed for $24 million. On the other hand, the award is also $1.3 million more than what Amazon claimed was fair. Amazon’s main gripe was that the woman also claimed to have suffered injuries to her back and neck, while the tech company pointed out that the injury was mostly localized to her left ankle.
Two People Suffer Critical Injuries After Amazon Van Collision
On July 28, 2022, it was reported that two individuals suffered critical injuries after a collision with an Amazon delivery van in Lodi. Again, the exact circumstances of the crash were never revealed, but the Amazon driver had to be removed from the wreckage with the jaws of life. Could the crash have been caused by an Amazon driver that was feeling an immense sense of pressure to deliver his parcels on time? This is certainly a possibility.
Toddler Struck and Killed by Amazon Van in Irvine
Perhaps the worst example of an Amazon truck accident in California’s recent history came in August 2022, when a toddler was struck and killed by one of these vehicles in Irvine. The girl was apparently playing in a driveway when an Amazon truck came around a corner and hit her. Authorities report that this is not the first time a child has been struck in this area, as there is no on-site playground.
This means that the children have nowhere else to play but in the driveway. This accident was also not caused by the lack of parental supervision, as the mother was apparently reaching to pull the child away from danger when the van struck. At the time, the police launched an official investigation into the matter – likely attempting to determine whether the Amazon van was speeding.
Are Amazon Drivers Independent Contractors?
One of the issues involved with suing Amazon for these accidents is the fact that its drivers are technically independent contractors. Amazon likes to distance itself from the delivery process because of the obvious pressures and dangers that it creates with its emphasis on fast deliveries. It does this by either hiring Amazon Flex workers who are classified as independent contractors or the Amazon Delivery Service Partner Program (DSP). The DSP operates by hiring local delivery companies that are contracted by Amazon.
But does this really prevent you from suing Amazon for accidents, and do you have to be content with suing an average worker or a local delivery company instead of the major tech giant? This is a good question because Amazon is obviously able to pay out a much larger settlement compared to these “smaller players.” The good news is that a number of past court cases clearly show us that the tech giant can be held accountable for delivery van crashes.
This remains something of a gray legal area, but the facts are clear: Amazon sets rules for its drivers and texts them if they are falling behind. Amazon is the company that pressures them into staying on schedule, and this often results in drivers being forced to speed and cut corners in order to make deliveries. Amazon also subjects its drivers to all kinds of additional rules, including what they can post on social media, how they should care for their personal image, and much more. Amazon even requires its drivers to undergo drug testing whenever the company demands it.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Accident Attorney in California?
If you have been injured by a delivery van in California, you need to get in touch with Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. With years of experience and solid qualifications, we can guide you toward the settlement you deserve. Amazon vans have no right to rush through our roads with no consideration for innocent people. Both the drivers and Amazon should be held accountable for their gross negligence. With our assistance, you can gather evidence, negotiate for a fair settlement, and pursue a trial if necessary. If you have lost a loved one in a delivery van accident, you can also file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of your family member. Book your consultation today, and you can immediately get started with an effective action plan.