Can Medication Cure Brain Injury?

Brain injury victims in California have many options when it comes to treatment. Some of the most promising solutions are medications. If you have suffered a brain injury, you may be prescribed various types of medication depending on your unique circumstances. Most people would agree that medication is preferable to more severe treatment options, such as surgery. But how effective can medication really be? Are there any side-effects associated with these medications? How long must you take the medication in order to fight the negative effects of a brain injury? If you are required to take medication for the rest of your life, then what kinds of costs can you expect? These are all important questions that are commonly asked by head injury victims who are considering their treatment options.
The Types of Brain Injury Meds
Medications that can help brain injury victims are typically divided into four categories:
- Diuretics: Diuretics help drain excess spinal fluid, reducing pressure on the brain. These are often some of the most important medications, as they have the potential to save your life after a brain injury. They can also serve as an alternative to surgery.
- Minerals: The most notable mineral prescribed for brain injury victims is magnesium. This mineral helps improve blood flow to the brain and may be critical in maintaining homeostasis. Without magnesium supplements, you may struggle to achieve stability.
- Anticonvulsants: These medications are specifically designed to prevent seizures. Seizures are common side effects of brain injuries, especially when neurons become overactive. If you are suffering from continuous seizures after your brain injury, you may need to take anticonvulsants.
- Sedatives: Like diuretics, sedatives can also help reduce pressure on the brain. In very serious situations, doctors can give patients sedatives to place them in medically-induced comas.
Medications for Long-Term Care
Aside from the immediate treatment of potentially life-threatening issues, medications may be prescribed to handle long-term issues associated with TBIs. These issues may include depression, motor control issues, pain, cognitive decline, memory loss, and learning problems.
But what kinds of medication can help with these problems? You may find that antidepressants help you deal with the psychological issues associated with brain injuries. You might also discover that muscle relaxers help with motor control issues. Pain medication can ease discomfort, and stimulants can reduce memory loss and general cognitive decline. Speak with a doctor about the best option based on your unique situation.
Why Might I Need Diuretics?
You may need diuretics if you are at risk for edema and intracranial pressure. These medications work by decreasing the amount of water in your brain. Once you take these medications, the water in your brain can be drained and passed out of your body through your urine. Diuretics are only used for short periods of time. These acute care medications serve a specific purpose. Once that purpose is achieved, there is no longer any need to continue taking diuretics.
Why Might I Need Anticonvulsants?
Anticonvulsants help you avoid excessive seizures. Seizures are not just uncomfortable, they can also make your brain injuries worse by causing additional damage to your neurons and your brain. This is why it is so important to take anticonvulsants if your doctor prescribes them.
Why Might I Need Electrolytes?
Electrolytes such as magnesium can be a real lifesaver for those suffering from brain injuries. If electrolyte levels drop too low, your heart can be seriously affected. When patients take certain minerals, they can inhibit an excitatory neurotransmitter called glutamate. Depending on your unique situation, doctors may prescribe minerals like magnesium sulfate, potassium, and phosphate.
Why Might I Need Sedatives?
Generally speaking, sedatives represent the last resort when treating head injuries with medication. These powerful drugs are typically only used when other methods fail to provide results. One of the most common types of sedatives used to treat brain injuries is barbiturates. Not only is this a sedative, but it is also an anticonvulsant. When administered in high doses, barbiturates can induce comas, preventing further damage to the brain.
Other Drugs that May Be Used to Treat Brain Injury Victims
There are many other drugs that may be used to treat brain injuries:
- Anticoagulants: Anticoagulants help reduce blood clots. This type of medication may help save lives in certain situations.
- Antipsychotics: If patients experience serious mental health issues after brain injuries, antipsychotics may be prescribed. As the name suggests, these drugs can help treat issues related to psychosis.
- NMDA Receptor Antagonists: NMDA antagonists reduce the hyperactivity of neurons after a brain injury. When you take these drugs, your NMDA receptors are blocked – preventing abnormal neuronal activity.
- Calcium Channel Blockers: These drugs can prevent blood vessel spasms while providing the brain with an adequate blood supply. Calcium channel blockers have proven especially useful in treating subarachnoid hemorrhages.
- SSRIs: These drugs help regulate your mood after a brain injury. Drugs like Zoloft may help you achieve a sense of normality after your accident. Depression and anxiety are very common after head injuries.
It’s important to consider the side effects and long-term issues associated with these drugs. Always listen carefully to your doctor before making your final decision.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced California Head Injury Attorney?
As you might have guessed, these medications are not exactly cheap. If your brain injury is preventing you from earning a living, the prospect of paying for these meds for the foreseeable future might seem very daunting. Fortunately, you can get all the compensation you need for your medical expenses by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party that caused your brain injury. You can do this by getting in touch with Mary Alexander & Associates at your earliest convenience. With years of experience helping brain injury victims in California, we can guide you to a positive outcome – ensuring you get the compensation you need to cover important medical expenses.
Remember, your medical expenses only represent one aspect of your total damages. You can also get compensation for emotional distress, missed wages, and much more. Book a consultation today to discuss your options and get started with an effective action plan. Remember, internet research only gets you so far.