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Category Archives: Motorcycle Accidents

Uncharacteristically Icy Roads Cause String of Semi

Uncharacteristically Icy Roads Cause String of Semi-Truck Crashes in Southern California

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

To say that California was unprepared for a historic winter storm in February of 2023 would be an understatement. The storm defied logic, and most of us cannot remember a time when the Golden State was covered with so much snow. Of course, this type of weather is not just historic – it is… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Have You Been in a Bay Area Motorcycle Accident?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Riding on a motorcycle is arguably one of the best ways to see the Bay Area, however, statistically, it is also one of the riskiest. Motorcycle accidents are incredibly dangerous, particularly for the motorcyclist, who has none of the protection inherent in a standard passenger vehicle. In fact, according to statistics, in approximately 80%… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

When are Drivers Liable for Motorcycle Accidents in Los Angeles?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

We all know that motorcyclists have a certain reputation in Los Angeles. Those who choose to travel by this means are often labeled “daredevils” or “thrillseekers”. Because of this stigma that is attached to riding a motorcycle, it is often difficult for people to sympathize with riders who become injured. These individuals may dismiss… Read More »

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dockless scooter

Are Dockless Scooters Going to Return to San Francisco?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When dockless electric scooters hit the streets of San Francisco, local reactions were mixed. Some enjoyed having a convenient, green transportation solution available in traffic-congested downtown. Others were angered by riders on sidewalks and discarded scooters in the walkway. The conflict forced city officials to act, and dockless scooters were banned from San Francisco…. Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Is There an Increase in Motorcycle Accidents in the Summertime?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

As a motorcycle rider, you probably want to avoid an accident if at all possible. If you are thinking about hitting the road a lot this summer on your bike, you could be concerned about the potential for motorcycle accidents. Yes, it is true that they happen, but there are ways to protect yourself…. Read More »

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