New Blood Test Could Help Detect TBIs in Minutes

Detecting TBIs early could be the key to positive outcomes for injured victims. One of the biggest issues with these injuries is that victims are often completely unaware of their true long-term consequences. Some are even unaware of their own injuries – dismissing it as a slight knock on the head that requires no real medical attention. But as the medical community is quickly learning, these injuries can become much worse with time if not properly monitored and treated. Many of these issues could be solved with a reliable early detection system, such as a quick blood test. And thanks to continued research in California and across the nation, that blood test could now be a reality.
Why This New Blood Test is So Important
Abbott’s new FDA-cleared TBI blood test is important for many reasons. One of its key benefits is its speed – providing results in about 15 minutes. Another benefit is its accessibility, as it will now be available in hospitals and labs across the nation. Millions of Americans will now have access to this test after suffering concussions. The blood test is also extremely accurate, offering a 96.7% sensitivity rate and a 99.4% negative predictive value.
In addition, the blood test will cut down on unnecessary CT scans and reduce wait times at hospitals. Because this blood test is used as a first step in diagnosis, it can help people quickly determine if they have a brain injury ly. For those who do show signs of brain injuries, they can immediately get further testing and treatment without having to wait in line behind people who are actually fine. CT scans may be more sensitive, but they are also more expensive and less widely available.
The blood test searches for two biomarkers in the blood that are associated with TBIs. This technology is not all that new, and numerous universities in California have been talking about it for years. This includes UC San Francisco, which tested the blood analysis method on 450 patients with suspected TBIs back in 2019.
Speaking about the study, neurosurgery professor Geoffrey Manley stated:
“Our earlier research has shown that even in the best trauma centers, patients with TBI are not getting the care they need. Now we know that many of these patients with TBI are not even getting a diagnosis.”
Early detection may be vital in helping to prevent disability, incomplete recoveries, and even deaths. Manley later explained:
“We believe this tool may encourage clinicians to be more aggressive in their decisions to begin or continue life-saving treatment. Modern trauma care can result in good outcomes in what we had once believed were non-survivable injuries.”
New Bill Would Ban Tackle Football for Kids Under 12
New data surrounding head injuries is prompting many to rethink many aspects of our society, including children’s sports. Football has long been a major part of American culture, but it has probably caused many concussions among our younger generations. Some of these TBIs undoubtedly caused long-term health issues, including depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or even suicide.
One Sacramento area assemblyman has decided that enough is enough. According to his new bill, children under the age of 12 would be banned from participating in tackle football. California has already taken steps to limit contact football for younger students. According to current regulations, children under the age of 12 can only practice full-contact football for about one hour per week. Coaches often get around this rule by allowing students to practice hitting with bags.
Speaking on this subject, Dr. Brian Feeley at UC San Francisco stated:
“A concussion for a younger kid is much more detrimental for their long-term brain health than it is when you’re an adult. [A helmet] doesn’t prevent a concussion. A helmet doesn’t lower your risk of a concussion, even if you have a more fancy helmet.”
According to the CDC, the average football player between the ages of 6 and 14 suffers 378 head impacts per year.
How Can I Sue for a Head Injury?
In order to sue for a head injury, you will need to determine who was at fault for your accident. There are many different types of negligence that can lead to head injuries:
- Sports Injuries: Did a coach force your child to play even after they had suffered a concussion? Were they allowed to get medically assessed before returning to the team? Were your child’s complaints ignored by their coach? If so, you may be able to sue the school or the athletic association.
- Auto Injuries: Was your head injury caused by a negligent driver? Were you hit by a drunk driver or someone who was texting behind the wheel? Did a semi-truck run a red light before hitting you? If you suffered a head injury in an auto accident, you can probably sue.
- Slips and Falls: Did you slip and fall on a wet floor at a grocery store before hitting your head? Did you slip on an icy sidewalk? Did a property owner leave debris across a pathway, causing you to lose your footing and hit your head on the concrete? Did you fall down a dimly-lit staircase? You may be able to sue.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney in California?
Detecting a TBI is one thing. Getting properly compensated for it is another thing altogether. Without a doubt, this new blood test represents a major step forward for TBI treatment. But one thing your blood test cannot do is pay for the necessary treatment you might need over the next few years – and potentially for the rest of your life. The only way to receive compensation for these medical expenses is to file a personal injury lawsuit against the negligent party who caused your accident. To do this, you will need to get in touch with a qualified legal professional.
Choose Mary Alexander & Associates to get started with an effective action plan. During your first consultation, we will discuss your specific situation and determine the best route forward. From there, you can hold negligent parties accountable, pursue justice, and get your hands on the compensation you deserve. Book your consultation today to begin the process.