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Blast-related brain injuries associated with brain abnormalities

California residents who suffered a mild traumatic brain injury and lost consciousness may suffer from structural brain abnormalities. According to the results of a study, the brain abnormalities may be associated with a decrease in performance of the injured person’s verbal memory.

The study analyzed three different groups of people: those who had no history of TBI, a group who suffered a TBI but did not lose consciousness, and a group who suffered a TBI and lost consciousness. All groups underwent TBI, PTSD and neurological tests. Those who suffered from a mild TBI showed abnormalities in their white brain matter, regardless of whether they lost consciousness.

Blast-related brain trauma is a common injury for those who were stationed in Iraq or Afghanistan. Because most of the brain trauma that is experienced is mild, the damage may not be detected by a normal CT scan or other imaging tests. However, diffusion tensor imaging may pick up abnormal changes in the person’s white brain matter. These abnormalities could potentially be associated with mental health disorders and other cognitive changes that many veterans experience. The researchers hoped that their study demonstrated that diffusion tensor imaging would allow physicians to better support those suffering from traumatic brain injuries.

If a person suffers a traumatic brain injury, an attorney may potentially help the victim seek compensation. Because head injuries can result in a loss of memory, cognitive changes and even result in mental illness, the injured person might have difficulty finding and holding a job or living a normal life. In some cases, the attorney may demonstrate the full costs of the injury, including hospital and treatment costs and income that was not earned due to the injury.

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