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Suing e-Bike Manufacturers in San Francisco

Suing e-Bike Manufacturers in San Francisco

If you have been injured due to a faulty e-bike in San Francisco, you are not alone. These vehicles are proving to be more dangerous than many consumers realize, and there are fresh reports of injuries on a weekly basis. But can you really sue a bike manufacturer for causing these injuries? This is a question that can only be answered by a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in San Francisco, such as Mary Alexander & Associates. Book a consultation with one of these attorneys, and you can get a sense of whether a lawsuit is indeed possible.

Rad Power Sued for Allegedly Faulty e-Bike

 A cyclist from San Francisco recently sued an e-Bike company called Rad Power, claiming that the bike suddenly slammed to a halt without any warning – throwing him from the bicycle and causing him to sustain serious injuries. The bike in question was a Rad Runner Plus, and the crash apparently left the victim with lost wages and medical bills.

Rad Power has refused to comment on the lawsuit, although they are no strangers to legal issues. Back in 2022, they were forced to recall the RadWagon 4 e-cargo bike due to fall and crash hazards. A 12-year-old girl lost her life while riding a RadRunner bike, and this led to a wrongful death lawsuit in Los Angeles. This accident apparently involved the bike shaking violently without warning as it went down a hill, causing the child to fall from the bike and suffer fatal injuries.

San Francisco is Seeing a Massive Rise in e-Bike Popularity

 In 2023, it was reported that e-bikes were selling in droves across the country, and there was a 70% increase in sales during 2021 alone. San Francisco is a place where e-bikes are now extremely common. People in this hilly city are especially drawn to powered bikes because they allow for easy transport over even the steepest inclines. These steep inclines are common across San Francisco, making e-bikes an obvious choice for many riders. They are particularly popular among older cyclists who lack the physical stamina to pedal up hills. Others may be drawn to e-bikes because of their potential to fight climate change.

E-bikes are also incredibly popular among young people. These youngsters might not yet have their driver’s licenses, which makes e-bike an attractive choice for those who want to go fast without getting a car. E-bikes are also popular among young drivers who have their licenses, because the cost of car ownership can be prohibitive for many people in San Francisco.

The mixture of youth and high-powered electric motors is a recipe for disaster – something that has been seen all too often on the streets of San Francisco. Numerous reports highlight the fact that young people are driving their e-bikes recklessly throughout the streets, causing mayhem and injuries in the process. Many of these e-bike riders have no idea about the rules of the road. E-bikes represent a “gray area” in traffic law – being too slow to be classified as a motorbike, yet much faster than a normal bicycle. In some cases, e-bikes have extremely powerful motors capable of reaching speeds in excess of 50 miles per hour.

Suing for an e-Bike Crash in San Francisco

 If you have been injured in an e-bike crash, your first step should be to figure out who was to blame. If your bike suddenly came to a halt, caught fire, or suffered some other type of malfunction, you may have the ability to sue the company that sold the bike. This is known as a “product liability lawsuit,” and it allows victims to receive compensation for medical bills, missed wages, and emotional distress.

On the other hand, you might have been struck by an e-bike rider on the street. Maybe you were trying to cross the road when an e-bike rider came out of nowhere, ran a red light, and hit you. As previously noted, these vehicles are capable of moving at incredibly high speeds. In some cases, impacts from scooters and e-bikes have even proven fatal for pedestrians.

However, suing for these accidents can be difficult since the e-bike rider is likely uninsured. This is not the same as a typical car accident, where you can be relatively certain that negligent drivers carry some form of insurance that can provide compensation. Although the situation is not completely hopeless, pursuing compensation in this situation can be difficult.

You can also file a wrongful death lawsuit if you have lost a loved one due to an e-bike accident. This process is identical to other lawsuits, but the victim’s family members file on behalf of their deceased loved ones. Wrongful death lawsuits can provide compensation for medical expenses left behind by loved ones, missed future wages, and funeral expenses. In addition, they can provide compensation for the emotional distress associated with a death in the family. To assess your legal options, be sure to get in touch with a legal professional as soon as possible.

Where Can I Find a Personal Injury Attorney in San Francisco?

 If you have been searching for an experienced personal injury attorney in San Francisco, look no further than Mary Alexander & Associates. With our assistance, you can file your product liability claim with a measure of confidence and efficiency. Whether you have been injured by a faulty e-bike, a pressure cooker, or any other consumer item, you have rights as an American citizen. You can hold manufacturers accountable for providing you with these dangerous products, and a lawsuit can help you cover your medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, and other damages.

During your first consultation, you can ask as many questions as you like, as we assess your unique situation. From there, you can decide whether you would like to move forward with a lawsuit. Remember, the statute of limitations can prevent you from suing if you wait too long – and internet research only gets you so far. For best results, book your consultation today.

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