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Woman Assaulted in San Francisco Convenience Store

In 2024, the mayor of San Francisco announced that assaults were down by 8%. While this might seem encouraging, average people still face serious threats from all kinds of violent crimes across the Bay Area. Many of these assaults occur in establishments such as gas stations, fast-food restaurants, or convenience stores. One such incident recently occurred at a corner store in San Francisco – leaving a woman with both physical and psychological injuries. While criminal charges can help dissuade further violent crimes, civil lawsuits may also be possible. In San Francisco, injured victims of assault may sue establishments for negligent security.

Woman Brutally Assaulted From Behind in San Francisco

Woman Assaulted in San Francisco Convenience StoreIn May of 2024, it was reported that a woman in San Francisco launched an “unprovoked attack” on another woman at a convenience store. The entire incident was caught on camera, and the footage is quite disturbing. After walking into the establishment, the attacker struck her victim with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s whiskey. Although the victim managed to stay on her feet during the initial attack. She ultimately fell to the floor after the assailant pulled her down by her hair. The attacker continued to punch the victim even as she lay prone, only fleeing when a shopkeeper approached.

The attacker has been arrested, and she was charged with felony assault. However, she pleaded not guilty – and her lawyer implies that she is dealing with mental health issues. Prosecutors seem less understanding, stressing that the victim was struck at least 10 times with a glass bottle – a deadly weapon by most definitions. According to the authorities, this was a truly random attack. Local neighbors were surprised, as they were under the impression that they were living in a safe neighborhood.

Can Convenience Store Attacks Lead to Premise Liability Lawsuits?

A negligent security lawsuit is a type of premise liability claim. Generally speaking, all property owners are legally required to ensure the safety of patrons and guests who come onto their premises. This includes owners of restaurants, stores, convenience stores, gas stations, and many other establishments. A common example of a premises liability lawsuit is a slip and fall claim. Aside from fall hazards, however, patrons may face many other dangers when venturing into establishments. Perhaps the most severe hazards come from other people.

A negligent security lawsuit is only possible if you can prove that the property owners should have implemented a better security plan. You can do this by establishing various factors, including:

  • Nature of the Business: First and foremost, reasonable owners of certain businesses may be expected to hire security guards and implement other measures. Businesses that attract criminals have no real excuse for inadequate security. Examples include casinos, nightclubs, bars, pubs, and some 24-hour restaurants.
  • Violent Neighborhood: You might also establish negligence by showing that the business exists in an inherently violent neighborhood. If violent crimes occur on a regular basis near the establishment, an effective security plan should be implemented.
  • History of Violence: Finally, you could show that numerous violent crimes have occurred on the premises of a particular establishment in the past. In light of this “history of violence,” a reasonable business owner would improve their security plan. If they fail to do this, they may become liable for assault-related injuries in the future.

In the aforementioned convenience store assault, the victim may have the ability to file a negligent security lawsuit. However, she may need to show past instances of violence at that particular convenience store. Judging by the safe surrounding neighborhood and the shock that this incident caused, a history of violence at this location seems unlikely. However, injured plaintiffs may want to work with personal injury lawyers before dismissing the possibility of legal action. Even seemingly quiet establishments may have seen numerous acts of violence in the past – raising questions about potentially inadequate security.

Find an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in San Francisco

If you have been searching for an experienced personal injury lawyer in San Francisco, look no further than Mary Alexander & Associates. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs throughout the Bay Area. If you were assaulted on someone else’s property, you may have the right to file a negligent security lawsuit. This could provide you with enough compensation to cover missed wages, medical expenses, emotional distress, and any other hardships you may have endured. Book your consultation today to get started on an effective action plan.

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