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Author Archives: Joe Marchelewski

Mary Alexander

More Sports Fans Injured in Los Angeles

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

An alarming pattern is beginning to emerge among sporting enthusiasts in Los Angeles. Many are becoming seriously injured after attending games in the city, and these injuries can easily form the basis for personal injury lawsuits. On the one hand, it can be argued that injuries are inevitable when you pack tens of thousands… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Comparative Negligence in California

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

If you are pursuing a personal injury lawsuit in California for the first time, you are probably not familiar with the legal background necessary. Because of this, phrases like “comparative negligence” might seem completely unfamiliar. This concept is just one of many you might encounter as you file a lawsuit and strive to hold… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

6 Deadly Weekend Sees Multiple Accidents in the San Francisco Area

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

A combination of factors led to a number of fatal accidents in the San Francisco area a week before Christmas. Over the weekend, many people were injured or killed from December 17th to December 19th. Some of these crashes involved motorcycles, some involved semi-trucks, and some were caused in part by intoxicated drivers. In… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

How to Sue the Government for Oakland Accidents

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When you see an ambulance, a fire truck, or even a police helicopter, there is an assumption that these vehicles will be operated safely. However, it is important to remember that the people operating these vehicles are human, just like the rest of us. They might be qualified to fight crime or put out… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Mary Alexander & Catalina Munoz Recognized by Super Lawyers

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Mary Alexander and Catalina Munoz were featured in the 2022 Super Lawyers of Southern California. Ms. Alexander has been recognized as a Super Lawyer every year since 2006 this award is only given to 5% of attorneys. Ms. Munoz is being recognized as a 2022 Rising Star Super Lawyer, this is her 3rd consecutive… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

American Ambulance Sued in Fresno

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

A family has received a considerable settlement from American Ambulance after filing a medical malpractice lawsuit on behalf of an injured father. This victim’s life has been permanently altered due to injuries sustained while traveling aboard an ambulance in Fresno County back in 2018. Although this is a notable victory and a massive story… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Firefighters Sue for Cancer-Causing PFAs in San Jose

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

It goes without saying that firefighters are some of the bravest members of our society. It takes tremendous courage to rush into a burning building to ensure the safety of innocents. These people put their lives on the line every single day and deserve our utmost respect. But who protects the firefighters? When these… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Apple Faces Lawsuits for Watch Injuries

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When the Apple Watch was first released several years ago, it seemed like the next big thing in the world of technology. Fast forward a few years, and the fad has faded somewhat. Not only that, but these watches have injured a tremendous number of people. Recently, Apple faced a class-action lawsuit in Oakland,… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

A Slew of Dangerous San Francisco Car Accidents Result in Criminal Charges

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

If you have driven in San Francisco, you already know that traffic in this city can be quite intense. Sometimes collisions are purely accidental, and no one is truly to blame. After all, accidents happen from time to time, and even self-driving technology cannot fully stop cars from hitting each other occasionally. In other… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Bicycle Safety Concerns in Los Angeles: Why Injuries and Lawsuits are Inevitable

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Los Angeles has been described by some media outlets as the “worst bike city in the United States.” For those who live in the city, this description is adequate. For those who have lost loved ones due to fatal bike accidents, the description may not go far enough. More needs to be done to… Read More »

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