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Author Archives: maryalexander

Mary Alexander

Wrongful Death – Understanding The Facts

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

The unthinkable has happened. Your loved one has died. Out of nowhere, just going along their normal routine, an accident or negligent action took them away from you forever. There are so many details that require your immediate attention, but your grief is overwhelming. The last thing on your mind is the responsible party…. Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Proposed Bill to Hold Rental Car Companies Accountable to Recall Notices

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

In October 2004, Raechel and Jacqueline Houck rented a Chrysler PT Cruiser from Enterprise Rent-a-Car in Santa Cruz for a trip to see their parents in Ojai, California. Both sisters were killed in a head-on collision on Highway 101 in outside Monterey. While the lost lives were tragic enough, an investigation found that the… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Auto Accidents in the Bay Area

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

The average driver can expect to be involved in 3-4 car accidents in a lifetime. According to several sources, there are 6 million car accidents in the US each year. With statistics like that, chances are you will be facing the aftermath of an auto accident more than once during your driving career. Add… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Workplace Accident Prevention Tips

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

On December 18, a man who loaded and unloaded containers from ships in Oakland was injured when some containers came loose and struck him in the leg. Firefighters got the man off the ship and into an ambulance. He was then taken to a local hospital where he was listed in stable condition. This… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Whose Fault Is It: Ghost Ship Oakland Warehouse Fire?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |
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Mary Alexander

Where The Fire Started & Who Is At Fault: Ghost Ship Oakland Warehouse Fire

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |
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Mary Alexander

Pedestrian Safety Tips from San Francisco Personal Injury Lawyers

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

On December 3, a 65-year-old man and 64-year-old woman were injured in a hit-and-run collision in San Francisco. Both people were crossing the street when they were struck by a driver, who then fled the scene. Unfortunately, the man later died from his injuries. While drivers should watch for pedestrians, it is also important… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Two Members Of R&B Band, Tower of Power, Hit By An Amtrak Train In Oakland

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Two members of the R&B band, Tower of Power, are in critical condition after they were hit by an Amtrak train on Thursday night near Jack London Square in Oakland, California. Tower of Power, Drummer Dave Garibaldi, sustained facial and head injuries. It has been reported that a complete recovery is expected. The band’s… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

What You Should Know After The Ghost Ship Warehouse Fire – Premises Liability: Fires

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Just last month, a warehouse fire materialized in Oakland, California, claiming the most fatalities in a United States building since 2003, according to the National Fire Protection Association. While investigators considered several possible causes for the Ghost Ship Fire, primarily concerning defects in electrical appliances, they do not provide a conclusive explanation as to… Read More »

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Ghost Ship Fire Scene

Mary Alexander Investigates Ghost Ship Fire Scene

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Mary Alexander, a San Francisco based personal injury attorney, is investigating the Ghost Ship fire scene where the lives of 36 people were claimed in a blaze early last month. As you can tell by the picture, there is not much left of the warehouse where numerous people lived and frequent dance parties were… Read More »

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