Author Archives: maryalexander
Laundry packet poisoning affects thousands of kids nationwide
Numerous small children across the country are mistaking laundry detergent pods as candy and have been poisoned as a result. Many parents in San Francisco and across the country take drastic measures when it comes to child-proofing their homes. Parents install safety gates, block electrical outlets and keep heavy objects out of their kids’… Read More »
California man charged after fatal pedestrian accident
The California Highway Patrol has reported that a 23-year-old man was taken into custody on Feb. 16 following a motor vehicle accident that claimed the life of a pedestrian in Los Angeles County. Media reports indicate that the Hacienda Heights man is a facing felony DUI charge, and his bail has been set at… Read More »
Traumatic brain injury misconceptions abound
According to some reports, the treatment of traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is commonly hampered by misconceptions about how such injuries occur and present themselves to observers. These misunderstandings persist although the combined incidence rate of multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, AIDS and spinal-cord injuries is only one-eighth as frequent as that of TBI.
National Burn Awareness Week focuses on scald prevention
Many people in California suffer from serious scald burns while food is being cooked or hot liquids are being served. In 2013, there were nearly 70,000 hospital emergency room visits in the U.S. that were related to scald burn injuries. Children under the age of 4 suffered from almost 25 percent of these injuries.
High C-section rate could be financially motivated
The number of cesarean deliveries that are performed at hospitals in California and around the country may be excessive, according to some researchers. In the United States, nearly 33 percent of births are C-sections. The U.S. C-section rate is much higher than the ideal C-section rate of 10 to 15 percent that was established… Read More »
The affects of burn injuries and how to deal with them
California residents may be surprised to learn that on an annual basis more than 30,000 individuals who suffer a burn injury in Delaware, southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey alone require treatment at a hospital emergency room. The most common result of burn injuries is discomfort and pain, depending on how badly the victim was… Read More »
Home births determined safe for low-risk pregnancies
California residents should be aware of a Canadian study, which found that women with low-risk pregnancies who use the services of a midwife to deliver a baby at home have no significantly greater risk of serious injury or neonatal death than women who give birth in a hospital. The study found that planned home… Read More »
California female athletes and concussions
While much of the attention regarding concussions in the past year has focused on men in California and around the country who play contact sports, a new study sheds light on the problems women who receive concussions face. According to the study, women are twice as likely as men to suffer from concussions, and… Read More »
Researchers say even mild concussions leave brain scars
People in San Francisco who have been diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injuries may still have long-lasting brain damage, according to a study published in December 2015. Researchers from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center found evidence of scarring on the brains of soldiers who had previously been diagnosed with mild concussions. The… Read More »
How brain trauma might occur
If a California resident has the misfortune to undergo severe trauma to their head, perhaps as part of an accident or incident beyond their control, then damage to the brain may result. This type of injury has the potential to destroy the sufferer’s quality of life. They can lose control over all or part… Read More »