Category Archives: Elder Abuse

California Rocked by Numerous Nursing Home Controversies
Families around the Golden State trust nursing homes to take care of their elderly loved ones. Unfortunately, that trust is all too often misplaced. Nursing homes across the state have been exposed for committing serious abuses, and some residents have even lost their lives as a result of this gross misconduct. If your loved… Read More »

What Does Nursing Home Abuse in San Jose Look Like?
If you have a senior loved one in San Jose, the thought of them being abused might be something you would rather not consider. These kinds of incidents remind us all that humans can be incredibly and inexplicably cruel to one another. But although it might not be something that is comfortable to think… Read More »

Examples of Financial Abuse in Los Angeles Nursing Homes
When most people think of nursing home abuse in Los Angeles, they conjure up images of unhygienic facilities, beatings, and physical restraints. However, many forget that abuse in nursing homes can also be financial in nature. In fact, financial abuse can sometimes be even more damaging than physical abuse; not just to the nursing… Read More »

Why are Seniors So Vulnerable to Financial Abuse in San Jose?
There is nothing a scam artist likes more than a vulnerable senior citizen. The elderly are prime targets for these criminals, and unfortunately, they have good reason to focus on these people. Senior citizens in San Jose are much more vulnerable to financial abuse than essentially any other sub-group in the population. This is… Read More »