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Category Archives: Pedestrian Accidents

Mary Alexander

Were You Injured in a Pedestrian Bus Accident?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Few things fuel nightmares more effectively than the thought of being hit by an oncoming bus. It goes without saying that humans do not stand a chance against a bus that weighs tens of thousands of pounds. Pedestrians who are hit by buses can suffer life-threatening injuries if they are lucky enough to survive… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

String of Pedestrians Accidents in Los Angeles Within a Week

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Within a single week, many people have been hurt by pedestrian accidents in the Los Angeles area. Los Angeles is a major metropolitan area, and a certain number of pedestrian accidents per year are probably unavoidable. That being said, injured victims are not just “statistics.” They are real people with lives, families, and jobs…. Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Common Legal Challenges for Injured Pedestrians in Los Angeles

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Being struck by a vehicle as a pedestrian can be one of the most shocking and life-altering experiences you can have. Injured pedestrians may be left with serious, permanent injuries that affect their ability to work. In addition, they may be facing considerable medical expenses as they begin the medical treatment necessary to get… Read More »

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Beverly Hills

Do Silicon Valley Company Buses Get Sued?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When it comes to bus accidents, transportation authorities and cities are usually the parties scrutinized for responsibility. However, here in the Bay Area, even tech companies can be responsible for crashes of this nature. One such crash could soon lead one of Silicon Valley’s largest companies to the courtroom. Can Victims Hold Silicon Valley… Read More »

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Dead pedestrian after a car accident in the street

Are Pedestrian Accidents More Common in School Zones?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

If you have children and you drop them off at their school every morning, then you are probably familiar with the bright yellow “School Zone” signs near their school building. These signs are meant to control the speed limit near schools to prevent any pedestrian accidents while students are walking to and from their… Read More »

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Dead pedestrian after a car accident in the street

Should Uber Be Held Responsible for This Hit-and-Run Injury?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When you hitch a ride with a rideshare company, you expect a certain level of safety on that ride. This is especially true if you have had a few drinks and driving yourself is out of the question. So, what would you do if that promise of safety was breached? A woman and her… Read More »

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A truck lying on its side after its brakes failed and couldnt stop at traffic lights

Why Did a Truck Crash into Pedestrians in Richmond?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Geary Boulevard is one of San Francisco’s busiest streets, but on Monday, January 1st, the busy street was partially shut down. That’s because a box truck careened out of control and plowed into pedestrians and cars. Now the authorities and crash victims are left with many questions as they try to figure out why… Read More »

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Male Cyclist With Neck Pain Lying On Street After Road Accident

These Are the Three Most Dangerous Intersections in San Francisco

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

For many years now, San Francisco has sought to be both a walk-friendly and bike-friendly community. Across the city, new bike lanes and crosswalks have been popping up all over the city, but there are still some areas you need to be careful of if you are walking or riding a bicycle. What Are… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Study Reveals A Rising Number of Pedestrians Injured Wearing Headphones

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Perhaps you’ve seen it on YouTube or on the evening. A woman falls into a mall fountain while completely engrossed in a text message. That indelible image is a comical reminder that pedestrians must be aware of their surroundings. This is especially important if they are distracted by headphones, whether they are connected to… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Back to School: Protecting Children from Pedestrian Accidents

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Now that the school year is in full swing, it is vital to instruct and remind children about traffic safety. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 4,280 pedestrians were killed and approximately 70,000 were injured in traffic accidents in 2010. Out of those pedestrians, children accounted for 7 percent of those… Read More »

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