Category Archives: Workplace Accident

Semi Truck Accidents Keep on Rolling in California
California has been hit with a number of semi-truck crashes over the past few weeks and months. Many of these crashes have led to serious injuries, and some have even caused fatalities. It goes without saying that semi-truck crashes pose a major risk to the general population, and it is not clear whether the… Read More »

The Most Common Types of Brain Injuries
There are many different types of brain injuries, and each one can affect victims in different ways. If you have suffered a brain injury, one of the first things you should do is determine the exact type. This can help you approach treatment in a much more confident, accurate manner. This is especially important… Read More »
Metro Purple Line Construction Grinds to a Halt After Slew of Worker Injuries
Los Angeles and other major cities in California are constantly expanding, and hardworking individuals are fueling this growth. Unfortunately, they also put themselves in considerable levels of danger so that we can enjoy new roads, new train lines, and new buildings to accommodate our growing population. Too often, these workers are injured while simply… Read More »
Workers in Los Angeles Keep Getting Injured
When most people go to work in Los Angeles, they expect to come home safely. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Too often, workers suffer grievous injuries which result in considerable medical expenses, missed wages, and various other damages. When you are no longer earning an income and you are faced with mounting… Read More »
Firefighters Sue for Cancer-Causing PFAs in San Jose
It goes without saying that firefighters are some of the bravest members of our society. It takes tremendous courage to rush into a burning building to ensure the safety of innocents. These people put their lives on the line every single day and deserve our utmost respect. But who protects the firefighters? When these… Read More »
Employer liability in California for car accidents caused by employees
When a motor vehicle accident causes serious injury, one of the first things that must be determined is who was at fault. If it can be shown that the accident was caused by negligence, injured victims can recover financial compensation for losses including medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. Of course, the… Read More »
Employees Fatally Injured In A Workplace Accident
Two California employees recently lost their lives after being suffocated by slabs of stone, which trapped workers at a granite company. The stone slabs were not extremely thick; however, they were large and heavy. Firefighters and emergency personnel arrived at the worksite and discovered a supervisor and other employee stuck under large sheets of… Read More »