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Nursing Home in California Sued for Negligence

Nursing Home in California Sued for NegligenceA nursing home is being sued by the district attorneys of Almeda, Marin, Santa Cruz, and Los Angeles Counties for gross negligence. This facility was mistreating its patients to an almost unthinkable degree, and it seems unbelievable that such a nursing home could even exist in the modern era and in a first-world nation like the United States. This lawsuit is a stark reminder that there are seniors out there in major cities like Los Angeles who are being abused at their nursing homes.

If your loved one is being abused at a nursing home, you do not have to sit back and accept it. With the help of a qualified nursing home abuse attorney in Los Angeles, you can take decisive legal action. Our legal professionals can help you file a lawsuit and hold guilty parties accountable. A lawsuit can not only ensure that negligent parties experience consequences, but it can also provide you with a considerable settlement for your damages. This settlement can compensate you for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and much more.

Hayward Nursing Home Ordered to Pay $20 Million in Damages

On October 15th of 2021, it was reported that a nursing home in Hayward was finally experiencing consequences for many instances of negligence. Although the pandemic certainly put the spotlight on this facility, an investigation determined that abuse was occurring for many years prior to the emergence of COVID-19. Tragically, seniors lost their lives due to the negligence of this nursing home.

In total, 10 plaintiffs came forward. Five of these were nursing home residents, and the other five were families of deceased patients. In total, they were awarded $9.6 million after legal costs were subtracted, leaving each plaintiff with close to $1 million in compensation. The fact that the court decided to combine the claims of these 10 plaintiffs is seen as an unusual decision, especially because the plaintiffs’ claims were unrelated. The facility was accused of a wide range of different negligent acts, from physical assault and medical malpractice to botched COVID-19 testing.

The Details of the Lawsuit

Each of the 10 plaintiffs made slightly different allegations against the facility. Some accused the nursing home of allowing patients to go without proper care, allowing constant shortages of things like linens, towels, and diapers. Residents were forced to “sit in their own filth.” Others accuse the facility of allowing residents to freely sexually and physically harass each other without any intervention. Patients were allowed to become infected with scabies, head lice, and other diseases.

When COVID-19 appeared, the facility became so short-staffed that individuals were calling for help with no one answering. Some contracted the disease at the facility and later died, and the lawsuit claims this was because they did not isolate COVID-positive patients or wear protective equipment. Several patients were allowed to fall out of their wheelchairs, resulting in leg amputations and deaths resulting from hip injury complications. All the while, the facility’s owners were pocketing the profits and refusing to spend money to address these issues.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you have been searching the Los Angeles area for a qualified, experienced nursing home abuse attorney, look no further than Mary Alexander & Associates. Over the years, we have helped numerous individuals file lawsuits against nursing homes guilty of abuse. Whether you have experienced abuse personally or you are filing a lawsuit on behalf of a loved one, we can guide you towards a positive legal outcome and an adequate settlement. Book your consultation today.

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