Author Archives: maryalexander
Why wearing a seat belt is so important in an accident
Even though California is ranked one of the highest in the nation for wearing seat belts, there is still that small percentage of drivers who don’t. Accident victims are brought in to emergency rooms every year with serious or even fatal injuries, simply because they were not wearing their seat belt. But it might… Read More »
How a school sports waiver can complicate liability claims
Some of our California readers may have already heard the story about the Massachusetts football player who is currently in a coma and believed to have suffered brain damage because of his involvement in the sport. This isn’t the first time his story has captured national attention, but because of the circumstances surrounding his… Read More »
Researchers find sleep loss causes brain damage in mice
There are a lot of ways that a person can suffer a brain injury. From slips and falls to motor vehicle accidents, a brain injury is often caused by a sudden impact to a person’s brain. This has always been the long-standing belief held by millions the world over. But researchers at the University… Read More »
Failure to yield to pedestrians leaves boy and babysitter injured
A serious pedestrian accident here in San Francisco this month is once again highlighting the many dangers in our city, even in crosswalk areas. Some of our readers may have already heard about the crash that left a 5-year-old boy with a head injury and injured the leg of his babysitter. Officers with the… Read More »
California student injured by car while crossing street
The most important aspect of many San Francisco residents’ lives is their children. Parents expect their children will be safe when they send them off to school, and it can be devastating when that is not the case. Recently, for example, a California student was injured after a motor vehicle accident occurred outside the… Read More »
Cesarean sections: there is a balance between benefits and risk
The chances that our readers have been pregnant themselves or at least know a woman that has been are pretty high. During a pregnancy, due dates can be a funny thing. At first, they are extremely exciting. A day approximately nine months into the future gets circled on a calendar, and the weeks are… Read More »
CHP focuses on distracted driving, hopes drivers do too
Inattention on the road is never a good thing. Looking down for a couple seconds, even at low speeds, can cause a car accident. When the collision involves two vehicles, a simple distracted driving fender bender might only result in an awkward conversation between drivers and a minor insurance claim. When the collision involves… Read More »
Number of spinal cord injuries suffered in falls raises concern
As we age, it becomes harder to fight illness and injury. Our bones become more brittle, making a broken leg or a broken hip not only much more likely but also more difficult to repair. This isn’t exactly groundbreaking news for San Francisco residents, but it does make the results of a recent study… Read More »
San Fran: elderly immigrants at higher risk for pedestrian injury
Pedestrian accidents continue to plague the streets in San Francisco. Motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians often result in very serious injuries and fatalities. Pedestrian accidents can be horrific, and San Francisco is trying to raise awareness to the risks of pedestrian-motor vehicle accidents in order to keep everyone safe. All pedestrians are at risk… Read More »
2013 was deadliest year of past 7 for San Francisco pedestrians
As the post title says, 2013 was not a good year for pedestrian safety in San Francisco. The number of fatal accidents that occurred in those 12 months made it the deadliest year in the past seven for pedestrians. December was particularly bad, with seven total pedestrian fatalities. Even though it is the pedestrian… Read More »