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Author Archives: maryalexander

a motorcycle police officer writing a ticket at a stop.

When Is a City Responsible for the Actions of Public Servants?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Did you know that if a city official hurts or injures a person while fulfilling the duties of their job, the city could be liable for damages? This is an area of civil law that not everyone knows about, and many would think that this doesn’t happen often. However, the action of public servants… Read More »

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Surgeons operating

Are Surgery Centers Causing Preventable Patient Deaths?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Has a doctor ever recommended that you go to a surgery center to handle a simple surgery? These centers often seem like the way to go, providing convenient service and cost savings, but are these centers the best place for you to get medical care? Recent reports are leveling serious claims against these surgery… Read More »

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Firemen at work on fire

Are More Lawsuits Piling Up Against PG&E?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When major wildfires rolled through the wine country last October, things looked grim for many families living in the area. Destruction had left them homeless, and some had no financial recourse to fall back on. However, the court system has provided options for many of these families, who are now focusing lawsuits on the… Read More »

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Stolen car wrecked shortly after it was stolen.

A Traffic Death Raises More Legal Concerns About Tesla’s Autopilot Mode

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

On March 23rd, a Tesla Model X travelling down southbound 101 in Mountain View crashed into a concrete barrier. The impact set the car on fire, and the driver did not survive. Now, investigators are discovering more disturbing information about the crash and raising legal questions about Tesla’s Autopilot Mode. Is Tesla’s Autopilot Mode… Read More »

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Firemen at work on fire

Could a California Utility Company Be Responsible for the Thomas Fire?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Only a few short weeks ago, we reported on how PG&E may have been responsible for the wildfires that raged across wine country. Now, a new lawsuit is claiming that another major energy provider may also be responsible for one of those blazes—the record-breaking Thomas fire. But the damages claimed in this latest lawsuit… Read More »

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Firemen at work on fire

Was a San Francisco Firefighter Used as a Scapegoat?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

July 6, 2013, Asiana Air Flight 214 collided with a seawall and burst into flames. The San Francisco Fire Department responded quickly, rescuing 304 people, but it was those who didn’t survive that caught media attention. One of those victims was struck by SFFD fire engines, and the resulting fallout has left one San… Read More »

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Motorcycle crash

What Does a Self-Driving Lawsuit Mean for Autonomous Vehicles?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Autonomous vehicles are being hailed as the future of driving. The industry claims that these vehicles will reduce auto accidents by up to 90 percent by the year 2050, and that they will save nearly $127 billion worldwide by 2027. However, these predictions are still years away, and there are many tests that this… Read More »

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Cruise ship shot at sea

Could Cruise Ships Be Safer for Passengers?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Did you know that cruise lines are having a passenger safety crisis? Ships out of many ports have suffered outbreaks of illness, lost passengers, and even fatalities. Here is an update on what’s happening and some details you may need know if you are planning to take a cruise. Safety Issues: Can Cruise Ships… Read More »

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Dead pedestrian after a car accident in the street

Is Chrysler Having More Dangerous Shifter Problems?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

If you own a Ram heavy-duty truck between the 2009 and 2017-year models, then you need to be aware of the latest recall from Fiat Chrysler (FCA). This shifter problem could be dangerous, and it raises many questions. Here’s what you need to know. More Dangerous Shifter Problems from Fiat Chrysler FCA has announced… Read More »

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A truck lying on its side after its brakes failed and couldnt stop at traffic lights

Why Did a Truck Crash into Pedestrians in Richmond?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Geary Boulevard is one of San Francisco’s busiest streets, but on Monday, January 1st, the busy street was partially shut down. That’s because a box truck careened out of control and plowed into pedestrians and cars. Now the authorities and crash victims are left with many questions as they try to figure out why… Read More »

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