Category Archives: Bicycle Accidents

Numerous Bicycle and Motorcycle Accidents Reported in the Bay Area
Motorcycles and bicycles remain popular modes of transport throughout the Bay Area, but these riders face considerable threats on the road. Within the past few weeks and months, numerous riders have suffered serious injuries. Some have been killed. The details of these incidents are shocking, and they highlight just how dangerous it has become… Read More »

Driver Escapes Jail for Fatal Bike Accident in San Francisco
One of the most notable cyclist fatalities of 2023 was the death of Ethan Boyes. This cycling champion lost his life this past spring when he was struck by a senior driver. Now, the driver who caused his death is set to walk free with virtually zero consequences. This story is unfolding even as… Read More »
Cyclist Allegedly “Doored” by Public Vehicle in San Francisco
Dooring accidents are on the rise in San Francisco, and cyclists continue to lose their lives. Although an open car door might not seem like a major issue, cyclists understand just how dangerous this hazard can be. Another cyclist appears to have lost their life due to one of these incidents, and a public… Read More »
College Student Dies After Bay Area E-Bike Crash
A college student from India lost his life after a fatal e-bike accident in Hayward. This incident highlights the unique safety challenges associated with e-bikes in California. As these powered bicycles become more common, we will undoubtedly see higher numbers of accidents. Compared to normal bicycles, the chance of death is arguably higher with… Read More »
Cyclists Hold “Ride of Silence” for Bike Accident Victims in San Francisco
The cycling community is extremely vibrant and well-organized in San Francisco. Unfortunately, even the most committed activists can do very little in the face of widespread deaths and bicycle injuries in the Bay Area. Words often fail to express just how traumatic and life-altering these bike accidents can be in California. In May of… Read More »
Cyclist Dies After Being Struck by Motorcyclist in San Jose
While a motorcyclist is more vulnerable to injuries after crashing into a car, the tables are turned if they impact a cyclist. Motorcycles are much more heavy and sturdy compared to bicycles, and they are also capable of much higher speeds. As a result, motorcyclists can cause serious damage and catastrophic injuries to cyclists… Read More »
Driverless Vehicle Causes Cyclist Injuries in San Francisco Amidst Protests
Even since Cruise has retired its entire fleet of autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars continue to cause accidents and injuries in the San Francisco area. One thing is clear: Bay Area residents are not happy about the presence of these vehicles on their streets – and they are making their voices heard. Amidst widespread protests… Read More »
San Francisco and Los Angeles Continue to Struggle With Bike Safety Issues
Many people have pointed out that despite California’s apparent commitment to a “zero-emission” future, the State is surprisingly unaccommodating to cyclists. One would assume that if city planners in California were truly concerned about lowering carbon emissions, they would make urban areas as safe as possible for cyclists. As it stands, however, the number… Read More »
Cycling is More Dangerous than Ever in California
Many people enjoy riding bikes on California’s many picturesque roads, but this mode of travel is seemingly becoming increasingly dangerous with each passing week. Recently, numerous cyclists have faced a wide range of hazards in the Golden State. These include reckless drivers – some of whom have committed intentional vehicular assault against cyclists. Other… Read More »
New E-Bike Lawsuits and Accidents Reported in San Francisco
San Francisco is usually ahead of the curve when it comes to the adoption of new technology, and this was certainly the case with e-bikes. These electric, environmentally friendly, and affordable vehicles are now a common sight throughout the city, and many residents appreciate the benefits of e-bikes. However, these bikes and scooters are… Read More »