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Author Archives: maryalexander

Mary Alexander

Oakland Ghost Ship Lawsuit filed after Warehouse Fire Claims 36 Lives

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

An Oakland Ghost Ship lawsuit filed against Oakland’s Ghost Ship warehouse owner alleges numerous people were aware of the dangers the building posed long before the deadly blaze claimed 36 lives in December. Families of individuals killed in the warehouse are teaming up in a lawsuit against Ghost Ship’s owners as well as employees… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Multiple Lawsuits Filed After Oakland Ghost Ship Fire Claims More Than 30 Lives

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Late on Friday, December 2, a fire broke out that would consume much of an Oakland warehouse dubbed the “Ghost Ship” by tenants and neighbors. The fire took the lives of many attending a music event, including Michela Gregory and Griffin Madden. Now, a CNN story reports that lawsuits have been filed after the… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Ghost Ship Lawsuit Filed After Tragic Oakland Warehouse Fire

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

The parents of a young lady and man that were killed in the Ghost Ship warehouse fire have filed a lawsuit against the owner and operators of the Oakland warehouse for maintaining an unlawful “death trap” that caught fire and killed 36 people. The Ghost Ship lawsuit was filed in the Alameda County Superior… Read More »

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Emergency scene

Oakland Warehouse Fire

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

An Oakland warehouse fire broke out on December 2, claiming the lives of over 30 people. The warehouse was known as the Ghostship. It was a work-live space that more than two dozen people called home. Artists and others, looking for affordable rent in the Bay Area, used the space as their art studio… Read More »

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Ruins of an old building

Tragic Oakland Fire Kills Dozens

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

As of early Monday, December 5, firefighters had recovered the remains of 36 individuals lost in what is described as one of California’s worst building fires in modern history. Most victims of the Oakland fire were reportedly in their teens, twenties, and thirties. A spokesman for the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department said that one… Read More »

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Driving in bad weather

Personal Injury Lawyers in San Francisco Offering Wet Road Driving Tips

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

With winter upon us, we are experiencing what is often the rainiest time of the year. With rain often comes wet roads. Unfortunately, wet, slick roads sometimes lead to accidents. Luckily, there are several things you can do to be a safer driver, even when the roads are wet. dir=”auto”>Make sure your windshield wipers… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Breaking News Oakland Warehouse Fire

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |
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Elder Abuse in Nursing Homes


By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

While it might come as a surprise… Perpetrators of elder abuse in nursing homes are not always those employed by the facility. In a recent article published in HealthDay, many residents of nursing homes suffer from abuse at the hands of other residents. The article cites a study that concluded that “one in five… Read More »

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Distracted Driving


By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

We all know that distracted driving is unsafe and can result in an accident. But not everyone knows exactly how dangerous it really is. What is even worse is that many of those who actually understand the dangers that distracted driving poses continue to engage in acts that distract them from the road. What… Read More »

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Brain Injuries Attorneys


By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

The number of children that are diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries had increased in recent years, according to research conducted at UC San Francisco. It was recommended that children be prioritized for ongoing research and development in concussion prevention, education, diagnosis, and treatment. A recent study, conducted by researchers at UCSF, revealed that 56… Read More »

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