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Author Archives: maryalexander

Mary Alexander

E-cigarette explodes, burns man’s face

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

According to reports, a California man suffered burns to his face when an e-cigarette at his place of employment exploded, causing him injury. The accident reportedly occurred on Feb. 8 at the Stage Stop Liquor Store in Ramona where the man worked. Reportedly, the cigarette exploded, cutting the man’s face and breaking a glass… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

The effects of spinal cord injury on the gastrointestinal tract

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Spinal cord injuries can be the result of slips and falls, birth defects or car accidents. California residents may benefit form learning more about the long-term complications that acute or chronic injuries to the spinal cord could have. One of these complications is gastrointestinal tract dysfunction. After a chronic spinal cord injury, the flexibility… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Traumatic brain injuries in California

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Researchers have discovered that an innovative eye-tracking technology can be used to detect the presence of concussions in patients who have suffered head trauma. The device detects abnormal eye movements and can quantify the severity of a head injury when patients seek medical care in an emergency department after receiving a blow to the… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

What risks are associated with forceps-assisted delivery?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

During a vaginal delivery, doctors may need to use forceps in order to get the baby out. Most women in California will not require the use of forceps, and it is safer to deliver without the use of this special tool. Although there are some risks associated with forceps-assisted deliveries, there are rarely any… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Pedestrian with cane hit, critically injured in California

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

A man walking along a sidewalk on a steep La Mesa street was struck and injured by a reversed pickup truck on Jan. 9. The 56-year-old pedestrian was using a cane. According to La Mesa police, the accident happened around 7 a.m. when a large pickup truck was backing up onto Saranac Place near… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Pedestrian accident dangers

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Pedestrians in California and elsewhere are much more likely to suffer catastrophic personal injuries or to be killed if they are involved in an automobile collision. Statistics demonstrate that pedestrians have a greater risk than do car occupants of a fatality every time they go out, at a risk level of 1.5 times greater… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Bicyclist injured after New Year’s Day hit-and-run incident

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

According to an officer of the California Highway Patrol, around 5:30 p.m. on Jan. 1, a 49-year-old man on a bicycle was struck from behind by a vehicle on Airport Road in Anderson. The driver left the scene of the accident, and the bicyclist was discovered suffering from serious injuries. He was transported to… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Traumatic brain injuries lead to frequent hospitalization

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

California residents involved in car accidents and medical malpractice cases run the risk of suffering from traumatic brain injuries. Also known as TBI, such an injury is a type of medical condition that causes swelling of the tissues in and around the brain. Changes in behavior, depressive thoughts and confusion are a few of… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Alleged drunk driver causes collision that injures 13

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

According to law enforcement authorities, an allegedly drunk driver with no license caused a crash that injured 13 people in Alhambra on Dec. 14. Reportedly, the Los Angeles man’s license had been revoked for a previous drunk driving incident. The 28-year-old man allegedly hit two other vehicles while driving in a residential neighborhood around… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Dealing with jaundice in California newborns

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When a baby is born, he or she may have yellowish skin or a yellow color in the whites of the eyes. This happens when the baby’s blood has a higher than normal level of a substance called bilirubin. The yellowing is referred to as jaundice, and it is rarely harmful in a newborn… Read More »

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