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Author Archives: maryalexander

Mary Alexander

Store’s negligence with statue ends in fatal injuries for boy

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

On behalf of Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. A tragic and unfortunate accident in the Fisherman’s Wharf area of San Francisco this month could lead to compensation if the victim’s family decides to take legal action in the case. For those who have not heard… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Dan Marino among those suing NFL over brain injuries

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Back in November we discussed with our readers over the course of two separate posts the rising concern about brain injuries among athletes. Scientists and doctors are now starting to see a connection between multiple traumatic brain injuries and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, which is a degenerative brain condition that can be fatal…. Read More »

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Mary Alexander

In-N-Out Burger held liable for burns suffered from hot coffee

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

If you watched the news in the 1990s then chances are you probably heard about the famous products liability case Liebeck v. McDonald’s. As you may remember, the case involved a 79-year-old woman who suffered third-degree burns after spilling a cup of the fast food chain’s coffee in her lap. She sued and was… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Are airline restraint policies putting your child in danger?

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Thousands of motor vehicle accidents happen nearly every month across the nation. In fact, they are considered by many transportation authorities to be the leading cause of serious injury and death in the United States. But according to the National Transportation Safety Board, a lot of serious and fatal injuries can be prevented if… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Study sheds new light on brain injuries in babies

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Finding out that your newborn has a brain injury is perhaps one of the most traumatic pieces of information that any parent can hear. In many cases, this can lead parents to blame doctors and hospitals for potential mistakes made during delivery. But while a large portion of medical malpractice lawsuits have successfully proven… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Tips to help California bicyclists avoid an accident

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Now that spring is upon us, people are finding excuses to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather. Whether this means taking a walk or riding your bike, outdoor activities — especially around motor vehicles — often come with the risk of an accident. And as many of our San Francisco readers know, these… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Two major things lawmakers should consider with autonomous cars

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Although media attention on the subject has died down, residents across the state of California and the nation may still have some concerns about autonomous cars. This is especially true when it comes to liability. And while some experts claims that most state products liability laws will cover many of the issues that could… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Bay Area resident exposes distracted drivers

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Distracted driving is a growing problem in Oakland, San Jose, San Mateo and San Francisco as well as the rest of the state. Even though it is illegal to drive while reading, writing or sending a text message in California (and has been since January 1, 2009) countless people still do it. Texting drivers… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Baby dies after contracting flesh eating virus from bed linens

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

Giving birth prematurely can be a scary thing for many mothers but they often trust that most hospital neonatal units know what to do and will provide the best possible care to their child. But as our San Francisco County readers will soon see, this trust can be broken when a child dies and… Read More »

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Mary Alexander

Fatal crash in San Marcos raises concerns about bicyclist safety

By Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. |

When a 22-year-old California bicyclist entered the intersection at the corner of Grand Avenue and Las Posas Road in San Marcos, he may have thought that he had the right-of-way. After all, the traffic near him had a red light; there was little reason to suspect that an accident was literally just around the… Read More »

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