Author Archives: maryalexander
Will iPhone Slowdowns Cost Apple in Court?
Are you a fan of Apple’s iPhone? If you are, and you happen to have an older model, then you may have noticed the device slowing down after a new phone is released. Previously, some claimed these iPhone slowdowns were a figment of people’s imaginations, but a group of Reddit users weren’t convinced. They… Read More »
What Are the Costs of a Traumatic Brain Injury?
A simple trip to the museum has turned into a medical nightmare for one San Francisco family. A mother had taken her daughter and son out to enjoy the culture of our city when her boy fell from a ledge. The eight-foot fall ended in an awning below, but while falling the boy struck… Read More »
What Kind of Damage Did the Wine Country Fires Leave Behind?
California wildfire season has been especially nightmarish this year. In Wine Country, fires destroyed over 5,000 homes and killed 44 people. Usually by this time of the year, the season would be ramping down as fall showers move in, but this year has been different. Just a few weeks ago, more fires popped up… Read More »
Is Pokémon Go a Distracted Driving Crisis?
In July of 2016, Pokemon Go was released to an eager audience. Fans were able to catch pocket monsters through their mobile phones using an augmented reality (AR) app. This led many gamers to get off the couch and go outside, but there was a drawback. Some people used this mobile phone app while… Read More »
What If I’m Hit by an Uninsured Driver in California?
Every year when winter falls on San Francisco, driving becomes more challenging. Rain, cold and winds at this time of the year often catch drivers off guard, and then the crashes start. If you aren’t up to date on your insurance coverage, then this is the time of year to get everything straightened out…. Read More »
What Does It Take to Be Selected as One of 2018’s Best Law Firms?
The personal injury attorneys here at Mary Alexander & Associates, P.C. have good news to share with the Bay Area. We have been chosen as one of the best law firms in the San Francisco area by US News and Best Lawyers. But what does that mean to our clients, and how was our… Read More »
PG&E Lawsuits Filed, Will More Wildfire Victims Join?
On October 8-9, wildfires raged through the countryside of Northern California. These blazes burned nearly 6,200 homes, wiped out around 150 commercial buildings and killed 43 people. Thankfully, the fires were contained a few short weeks ago, but many families are returning to find they no longer have homes. Now, these wildfire victims are… Read More »
Are Infotainment System Causing Distracted Driving Crashes?
When driving a vehicle, it’s been considered acceptable to reach over and tune the radio or to adjust the vehicle’s climate controls. These simplistic tasks usually aren’t enough to take a driver’s attention away from the road, but that’s changed over the years. Now we have cellphones, portable DVD players and portable gaming consoles… Read More »
Can Medical Facilities Be Held Responsible for Not Reporting Child Abuse?
It was late January of 2011 when a seven-week-old baby was brought into Sutter Amador Hospital in Jackson, California. The boy had injuries to his eye, bruising on the face, and a mouthful of blood, yet doctors only treated the child and sent him home with his teenage parents and maternal grandmother. Now, several… Read More »
These Are the Three Most Dangerous Intersections in San Francisco
For many years now, San Francisco has sought to be both a walk-friendly and bike-friendly community. Across the city, new bike lanes and crosswalks have been popping up all over the city, but there are still some areas you need to be careful of if you are walking or riding a bicycle. What Are… Read More »